Infinite runner type game where you have to destroy enemies in 3 PARALLEL lanes at the same time.

I started learning game dev because i find it fun and interesting , its been a total of about 10 days since I started , I had initially started this project in pygame but due to some weird system error i couldnt fix , i switched to godot and learnt it while making this simple project all within the last 3 days.

It isnt much but it is honest work , I enjoyed working on this and learnt alot of cool things , had fun in my first game jam and also released my first project all within 2 weeks of starting , thats good enough for me

Hope you like it!(Ill understand if you dont , its pretty shit) and also i couldnt get the windows icon to work through rcedit so i gave up and also spelling parallel as parllel is an artistic decision in the game.


Parllel Electricity.dmg 56 MB
Parllel Electricity.exe 72 MB

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